Puppy Prep Program (Sitting is Overrated)

So you’re getting a puppy! This is an exciting and busy time. You’re picking out names, puppy-proofing the house, getting the equipment, food, toys, treats and all the other goodies you will need for your new family member.

You’ve thought of it all, pick-up day is coming and you’re excited, nervous, and a little apprehensive of what to expect. The fact is, raising a puppy is hard work! Maybe it’s been a few years since you had a puppy and you would like a bit of guidance to start off on the right foot. Puppies have a short window of time to safely expose them to novel things. This is called the critical developmental period and it lasts from about 5-12 weeks. This period is extremely important! True socialization occurs within this time frame. This is the time to introduce your puppy to new sights, sounds, surfaces, and experiences. Think of what you do during this time as a sort of ‘stress inoculation’. Just like the other shots your pup needs during this window of time, careful and appropriate exposure to new things can help your pup better handle potentially stressful things later in life with more confidence and self-assurance.

Our Puppy Prep Program goes beyond the usual kindergarten-style class. We introduce real-life skills that focus heavily on building a relationship with your puppy, helping him navigate the complex and potentially scary world in which he has found himself. The world can be overwhelming, but with you, his beloved and trusted human, by his side the world doesn’t have to be such a scary place.

Set yourself and your puppy up for success with our Puppy Prep Program!


6  private weekly sessions

Cost: $725